Saturday 20 February 2016

Reasons To Eliminate Fried Foods From Your Daily Diet

Maximum people have the fondness for the shiny, greasy food. But, only few are  aware of the fact, what harm they do to themselves  and by  how much, unneeded calories along-with extra fats, that somebody adds to their body while munching on the deliciously harmful fried food, It  just adds you to the list of disease demon’s where you could be their next targets.
So, if you are seeking for  a good brand restaurant, selling famous fried food with the great taste and awesome aroma, stop and have a quick glance on these reasons, before you are about to munch on any of these, greasy fried food.

Change in the chemical structure of oils happens due to oxidation, as frying also changes the structure of other nutrients in whatever it is being cooked. Foods also lose   vitamins and minerals when fried, and everything changes to brown as maximum of carbon based minerals get burnt while cooking, which is not a good omen.When carbohydrates rich products are heated to high temperatures in cooking and frying, they produce acrylamide, a carcinogen associated with cancer. So our body might become prone to cancer, as the high level of consumption of deep-fried foods confers   risk for developing prostate cancer basically found in men, changes at the cellular level are  also associated with cancer.Diet that includes fried foods has been postulated to be a responsible risk factor for inflammatory conditions of the lungs and even cancers of the breast, pancreas, head and neck.

 The death risk increases because kidney patients have an impaired ability to filter out the harmful fats consisted in a typically cooked fried food. People who have kidney disease have a harder time getting rid of a lot of the substance in the oily soaked food. It should be noted, however, that the study was only able to show an association between diet and the risk of death in people with kidney disease.Those who eat fried food had more percent increase in their risk death. The majority of death from kidney disease is related to heart disease, as if someone develops kidney disease, one is much more likely to die from heart disease heart attacks, heart failure stroke   than someone who doesn’t have kidney disease. As kidney patients who ate a plant-based diet appeared to have an improved survival rate, thereby changing diet and making healthier choices in what one is eating, might help even if someone suffers from kidney disease.

First, we have the calories. When something is deep fried in oil, it multiplies the caloric density. If any food in oil is submerged, whether it’s a potato or some flour items, oil increases the calories, as fat is soaked up into every available space, in the food being fried, and also oil steals the natural mineral and oxidants required for our body, and turns the food into a tasteful dish with nothing to offer. And as we all know extra fat lead’s to obesity, which itself is the cause of many diseases. And then we have to make the struggle to get rid of those extra pounds.

Deep frying is bad as it adds lots of bad fats and empty calories to your food; it destroys the good nutrients in the food so we end up eating empty calories. There is nothing in it our body can use to enhance its functions. Many carry the myth, that deep-fried vegetable like mushroom or cauliflowers are nutritious. But the fact is, deep-frying process can actually destroy a lot of beneficial minerals and vitamins, as nothing that’s been deep-fried will ever be even close to healthy.

One is at greater risk for high blood cholesterol and heart disease if we eat a diet that often includes deep-fried, which are high in fat. Diets high in saturated fat and cholesterol tend to raise total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol .Whether it be deep or pan-frying, once while frying   we can see, there are a lot of bubbles. Those bubbles come from, Water inside the meat, getting dried up as long as that food is nice and moist, it will keep on bubbling, as the moisture  fights against the pressure and heat of the oil around it and stops it from soaking in. But when the moisture runs out, the food becomes a greasy oil food. Foods that are fried are high in fat as they are cooked in fat. When we fry foods, such as some specific meats like chicken or ham, that already consists of saturated fat, further frying adds more fat, so baking and roasting of meat is a more wise option.

Some oils like the sunflower and flaxseed oils degrade   when heated up to long hours, and are the ones that create the most toxic aldehyde’s in the least amount of frying time. These oils are high in polyunsaturated fats and breakdown quickly to form the health-demoting aldehyde compounds that permeate the air and penetrate into the food. But to the contrary, only few oils like, olive oil, known to be high in mono-saturated fat, generates aldehyde to a lesser degree, even though heated at low temperatures. It is important to avoid cooking with low flash-point oils that produce aldehyde’s and increase the risk of neurology disorders such as, causing improper functioning of the brain.

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