Wednesday 10 February 2016

How Metabolism Affects Weight Loss

The term metabolism has been misunderstood by many people over time, most people don't understand how it works in terms of nutrition .Lets see how to manage metabolism to help loose weight.Metabolism can simply be said as a chemical reaction that takes place in the body to maintain life.The metabolism rate in our body is been affected by so many factors which includes age, body size, sex, its composition, hormonal levels and energy intake. The more body mass you have the more you burn, and muscles and other lean tissues especially major organs, burns significantly more than fat.As we age changes in hormones and protein metabolism, in conjunction with decreased physical activity, lead to a muscles loss of approximately 3% per decade beginning in your 30s often accompanied by a slow gain in fat. Regular training can help offset these changes in body composition, just one factor you can control.
Activity energy expenditure, accounts for 15% to 30% of the total calories you burn each day,depending on how physically active you are. This includes exercise and non exercise activity you do a daily basis, such as taking the stairs, active at work, hobbies, grocery shopping etc. Excersie can help offset some of the undesirable drop in metabolism associated with dieting so it is a critical component of weight loss.

Irregular eating patterns can decrease the number of calories burned during digestion and the time of day that you eat can also play a role. A recent study suggested that there is a significantly greater boost in post meal calorie burning in the morning than in the evening, so perhaps the old age "eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch and a pauper at dinner" has merit.
While there is a lot that we know about metabolism, there is a great deal we don't know, particularly when it comes to individual variability in the different components of total energy expenditure.
Until we learn more, your best bet is to exercise regularly (including both cardio and strength training), pump up the intensity of workouts if and when you can, eat regularly (don't skip breakfast and have a huge dinner), don't crash diet -- and lead a more active lifestyle.


  • Always drink a lot of water
  • Take a lot of citrus fruit
  • Take a lot of lean protein foods
  • Take Vitamin D enriched foods

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