Wednesday 10 February 2016

How Much Water Does The Body Need

Water is very important for the human survival. In adults the body is made up of 60% of water, and in newborns is made up of 74 percent of water. Water helps regulate the body temperature, it helps remove waste cells from the body, its brings nutrients to cells and also helps in proper digestion.
when we don't consume enough water many serious complications can arise. The body hydration depends on age, body fat, pregnancy, and weather. So the question arises.

The amount of water our body needs in a day depends on our caloric intake. In general the body  needs 1 to 2 liters of water per day. A female needs needs 9 cups of water per day, and a man needs 13 cups of water per day.pregnant women should consume 8 to 10 glasses of water per day to insure proper circulation for the fetus.

Exercising increases your hydration needs, weather and exercise can affect the body hydration. Before exercising make sure you are well hydrated. Drink enough water two hours before you workout.
Dehydration is very dangerous and can affect the heart and the body temperature, it can cause fatigue and can result to death. everyone id prone to dehydration, so increase your water intake daily to stay fit and healthy

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