Monday 8 February 2016

Benefits Of The Tea Tree Oil

The tea tree oil is derived from a plant called the tea tree. The tea tree oil is a member of the myrtle tree family which is found only in Australia.The tea tree oil was named by a British explorer lieutenant James Cook in the 1770s, when he saw native Australians brewing tea using the leaves from the tree. later on, he brewed his own batch of tea, and gave it to his crew to prevent scurvy.
The tea tree oil is expensive in most Australian communities because its uniqueness and healing ability. Many original communities and the east coast of Australia have a historical use of the tea tree oil as an antiseptic for skin conditions. They simply crush the tree leaves and apply it to cuts, infections and burns. In the 1920s, after Arthur Penfold, an Australian state government chemist,published a series of papers on tea tree oil's antiseptic properties then the oil's benefits became widely know, through modern distillation methods manufacturers and different companies are able to produce the tea tree oil with a clear or yellowish color, and a fresh scent.

                                            USES OF THE TEA TREE OIL
The tea tree oil can be used as an anti fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral purposes.In the 1920s the tea tree oil is use in dentistry and surgery to clean wounds and prevent infections. Surgeons believe it is most effective than carbolic acids, it is commonly used as an antiseptic.The tea tree oil has been well known in the last few years, it is now added to soaps,lotions personal care products and shampoos. list of 9 general uses of the tea tree oil.

  • Acne: The tea tree oil can be used to get rid of acne, by applying to the face at least three times in a day.
  • Skin Irritation: The tea tree oil can be used to get rid of body irritation by applying on the skin tropically.
  • Fungal Infection Of The Nail: The tea tree oil can be used to restore nail breakage and also be used to improve nail appearance.
  • Lice And Dandruff: The tea tree oil can be used to get rid of lice and dandruff on the scalp by adding some to the shampoo.
  • Vaginal Infection: The tea tree oil can be used to treat virginal infections that brings discomfort to the body.
  • Mouth And Nose Infection: The tea tree oil can be used to get rid of mouth infection like cold sore(inflammation) and nose infections caused by piercing damage.
  • Personal Hygiene: The tea tree oil can be used to clean the furniture and the bathrooms which serves as an antiseptic, they can also be used for laundry.
  • Sore Throat: Few drops of the tea tree oil in a cup of water can help heal sore throat.
  • Pest Control: The tea tree oil having a strong smell repels ants, mosquito and other insects.

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