Saturday 13 February 2016

10 Reasons Why Exercise Is Important In Our Daily Life

So many people exercise because they want to climb on the scale and maintain a particular weight or even less, but from my experience it is not the right way to set your priorities when it comes to exercising.While so many people focus on loosing weight and building muscle, you should know that regular exercise is a lifestyle and should make it a big part of your life and commit to it for a healthier and longer life.A healthy life style should be an everyday thing and not just for the scale.Here are few reasons why we should exercise.

IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY: Generally after a good workout we feel lots of clarity in the brain, the brain absorbs more energy and oxygen, and also studies have shown that exercise can boost the memory and help better assimilation.A nice workout before exam can open the memory more to remember.

REDUCES BLOOD PRESSURE: Hypertension is major sickness of the heart.Hypertension is caused by increased plaque in the arteries that builds up from consuming a high fat diet.Exercise helps reduce your blood pressure, in part, by attacking the plaque in the arteries.As the arteries widen, the blood flows through more freely, and your body pressure eventually starts to drop.

REDUCES PMS SYMPTOMS: Exercise may be the last thing you feel like doing, but getting up and moving will help your crappy mood, aches, pains and even depression associated with PMS.

POSTURE: Good posture is very important, and one of the best ways to fix your posture is to exercise the muscles holding you back.Regular exercising of your abs, back and other muscles can go a long way too fix your posture both sitting and standing.

LOWER TYPE 2 DIABETES RISK: You've probably heard that an increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is becoming a world wide public health crisis.Type 2 diabetes pose a serious risk to your physical well being. By engaging in regular physical exercise, you improve your bod's ability to metabolize glucose, the key to starving off this disease.

BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE: When you exercise you feel better, you look better, you get stronger, you feel a sense of accomplishment, and that rush of endorphin's has a ripple effect on everything you do.When you feel better, you feel empowered and more confident.

BETTER SLEEP: IF sleeping at night has been a trouble, the National Sleep Foundation says regular exercise can help you sleep better.The best time to workout is the morning or afternoon, rather than before bed.If you exercise too closely before bedtime, t can eventually have the opposite effect.

KEEPS BONES STRONGER: Exercise is the key to maintaining your bone’s health. The specific form of exercise required for bone strength involves resistance training in which you lift weights. The amount of resistance training varies according to your age and physical strength, but it’s got to be more than just picking up a gallon of milk and moving it from the grocery bag to the frig. You need to spend no less than an hour a week of increasingly strenuous weight-lifting until you reach your maximum potential.

BETTER SEX: Studies have shown that regular exercise can increase arousal and decrease men's risk for erectile dysfunction, likely because exercise improves circulation which is pretty important when it comes to sex.

IMPROVES BREATHING: Aging affects the tissues of the lung in some ways that can’t be changed by exercise. However, exercise can improve your breathing by strengthening the muscles that help your lungs open up to bring in oxygen and compress to push out carbon dioxide. Exercise also improves the efficiency with which oxygen permeates the cells of your body through its effects on aerobic capacity. While the non-exercisers will have to stop their workout to catch a breath, you’ll be able to push on past them due to this greater efficiency of your breathing capacity.
tant Our Daily Life

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