Thursday 11 February 2016

Benefits And Precautions Of Garlic

Garlic can be used as a herb, and it is also known as one of the best flavoring for food. For many years garlic has been used a s a medicine to treat a wide range of diseases and other health conditions.The supplement extracted from the garlic is widely used for pharmaceutical purposes.Garlic can be used for many health conditions related to the heart and blood system.These conditions include heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart and hardening of the arteries.Some of these uses are supported by science, It is also effective in slowing the development of atherosclerosis and seems to be able to reduce blood pressure modestly.So many people use garlic to prevent bladder cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, rectal and colon cancer.Garlic have been used to treat diabetes, traveler's diarrhea, cold and is also use to build the immune system preventing tick bites, and also used to treat bacterial and fungi infection.

Garlic can be used to treat ailments like fever, cough, sinus, stomach ache, congestion, asthma, gout, shortness of breathe, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, high blood sugar, and snake bites, it is also used for fighting fatigue and stress.Most people apply garlic to their skin to treat fungi infections, there are some evidence supporting tropical use of garlic for fungi infections like ringworm, itching,and athlete foot.Lots of garlic product are sold for medicinal purposes.The amount of allicin which is the active ingredient that produces the distinctive odor in garlic depends on the methods of preparation. Allicin is unstable and change into a different chemical quickly, some manufactures take advantage of this by aging garlic to make it odorless.Unfortunately this also reduce the amount if allicin and compromises the effectiveness of the product.

While garlic is a common flavor in food, some scientist have suggested that it might have a role as food addictive to prevent food poisoning there is evidence that fresh garlic but nit age garlic can kill certain bacterial such as E.coli, anti-biotic resistance staphylococcus aureus, and salmonella enteritidis in the laboratory.Garlic produces a chemical called allicin. This is what seems to make garlic work for certain conditions, allicin also make garlic smells.Some product are made odorless by aging the garlic but this can make the garlic less effective.


Stomach Cancer: study shows that eating more garlic can reduce the risk of developing stomach cancer, taking and aged garlic extract for about six years does not seem to reduce the risk.

Athlete's Foot: Applying a gel containing one percent ajoene, which is  a chemical in garlic seems to be effective for treating athlete foot.

High Blood Pressure: Research shows that garlic can reduce blood pressure in people with high blood pressure it also seems to lower blood pressure in people with normal blood pressure.Most studies have a specific garlic powder(kwai from lichtwer pharma).
Colon And Rectal Cancer: Study suggest that eating garlic can reduce the risk of colon and rectal cancer.Study also suggest that taking high doses of aged garlic extract daily for twelve months reduces the risk of developing tumors.Other garlic supplements do not seem to offer the same benefits.
Hardening Of The Arteries(atherosclerosis):As people age their arteries tend to loos e the ability to stretch and flex, garlic reduces this effect.
Ringworm:Applying a gel containing ajoene which is a chemical in garlic is effective as anti fungal medication for treating ringworm.
Tick Bite:People who consume high amount of garlic seem to have reduce the number of tick bite.
Garlic is safe for most people when taking by mouth, garlic has been used safely in so many research for six to seven years.When taking by mouth garlic can cause bad breathe, heart burn, gas, nausea, burning sensation, vomiting diarrhea and body odor.This side effect are often worse with raw garlic.Garlic can be applied to the skin, gel paste and mouth washes containing garlic have been used for up to three month, when applied to the skin garlic might cause damage to the skin that is similar to a burn.

PREGNANCY: garlic is safe to use during pregnancy when taken in the amount normally found in food.garlic is possibly unsafe when use in medicinal amount during pregnancy and when breast feeding.There is not enough information about the safety of using garlic on the skin, but if yo are pregnant or breast feeding stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Bleeding Disorder: Fresh garlic might increase bleeding .

Digestion: Problem:garlic can irritate the gastrointestinal tract.Use with caution if you have stomach or digestion problem

Blood Pressure:Garlic can lower blood pressure, taking garlic can make blood pressure become too low in people with low blood pressure.

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