Wednesday 10 February 2016

Potatoes Has A High Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

Eating potatoes can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in the body, replacing them with whole grain may lower the risk.Although potatoes are considered a vegetable, potatoes should not be regarded as a key component of a healthy diet. Potatoes should be considered a source of carbohydrate like grains, especially refined grains, rather than vegetables.Potatoes contain a small amount of starch and a small amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Lower quantity of carbohydrate is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

Discoveries shows that people with higher consumption of potatoes(baked,mashed,boiled,or french fries) has a significantly higher risk of type 2 diabetes.Many people who eat french fries has a higher risk of type 2 diabetes than those who eat baked,boiled,or mashed potatoes.People who increased their potato intake especially french fries has an increased risk of diabetes.Study shows that replacing potatoes regardless of the type with whole grain would decrease the risk of diabetes.The consumption of potatoes should be reduced for those who have higher risk of developing diabetes or insulin resistance, healthy foods such as vegetables,fruits,whole grain, and nuts, rather than potatoes, should be encouraged for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

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