Tuesday 9 February 2016

Benefits Of Orange Peels

Most of us who eat oranges, normally throw out the peels , but what many of us are unaware of is that these peels are loaded with highly nutrtious compounds that are beneficial for our health. Its shocking for people to find out that orange peel has about four times more fiber in it than the actual orange fruit that we eat not to mention more tangeretin and nobiletin which both have cancer fighting properties. Orange peels contain more than 60 types of flavonoids and over 170 different types of phytonutrients, in addition to being rich in various pectins, vitamins, minerals and fiber.


Helps In Digestion:
 Orange peel is a rich source of non-soluble polysaccharides (type of dietary fibres) like pectins, tannins and hemi-cellulose. These compounds prevent constipation by increasing the bulk and reducing contact time of food with the intestine. It also plays an active role in reducing acidity (gas trouble) and prevents vomiting and heartburn. Read more about how poor food combinations can lead to indigestion and gas.

It Helps Prevent Cancer:
Flavonoids in orange peel assist vitamin C in working for efficiently. They also slow down growth of cancer cells. One study shows how orange peel can reduce the number of squamous cell carcinoma, which is a fatal type of skin cancer. People who consume orange peel regularly have less risk of being diagnosed with skin cancer and lung cancer than those who only eat the orange inside.

It Helps In Weight loss:
The Orange peel has been recommended by many health experts as a cure to weight loss. Since it helps increase your metabolism rate, you will be able to burn fat from your body faster.

It Helps In Oral Care:
Some of us are battling with bad breath when you Do you suffer from bad breadth? Chew orange peels instead of a gum or mouth fresher to get rid of the foul odor naturally. Orange peels are also an effective and cheap measure to whiten stained teeth, in addition to preventing sensitive teeth. You can either rub the inside of an orange peel or apply its paste on the teeth to whiten it naturally.

Blood Pressure:
Orange peel also helps in healthy blood circulation which in turn regulates your blood pressure (10) and thus keeps your heart healthy. This method has been widely followed in China for thousands of years.

Helps Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease:
Orange peel contains nobiletin, a type of polymethoxylated flavones (PMFs), compounds which are found to exert positive effect on the heart. These compounds lower your risk of  heart disease and inflammation in addition to lowering the blood cholesterol levels (LDL – Low Density Lipoprotein) in the body. Read more about Top 7 foods that can help bring down cholesterol

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