Thursday 11 February 2016

Benefits Of Honey

Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees using nectar from flowers.Bees first convert the nectar into honey by a process of regurgitation and evaporation, then store it as a primary food source in wax honeycombs inside the bee hive.Honey can be harvested from the hives for human consumption.
Honey contains a treasure chest of hidden nutritional and medicinal value for centuries. The sweet golden liquid from the bee hive is a popular kitchen staple loaded with antibacterial and anti fungal properties that has been used since the early days of Egyptian tombs.Honey's scientific super powers contribute to its vastly touted health benefits for the whole body.The healthy natural sweetener offers many nutritional benefits depending on its variety.Raw honey is the unpasteurized version of commonly used honey and only differs in its filtration, which helps extend its shelf life.A table spoon of raw honey contains 64 calories, it is fat free, cholesterol free, and sodium free.Its composition is roughly 80 percent carbohydrate, 18 percent water, 2 percent vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
Today, honey is the focus of much scientific research by the medical community, which have been investigating and confirming the many uses and health benefits of honey.Lets take a look at a few of these.

                                              HEALTH BENEFITS OF HONEY
HONEY IS GOOD FOR THE BLOOD: Honey affects the body in different ways depending on how you consume it.If honey is mixed in tepid water and drunk, it has a beneficial impact on the red blood cells count in the blood.The red blood cells are responsible for transferring oxygen to different part of the body .Iron deficiency anemia is an ailment that takes place when dietary intake of iron is not enough, and the oxygen containing capacity of blood  is compromised.The reduced oxygen containing capacity can lead to depression, fatigue, and breathlessness. Improving the level of oxygen in the blood is very vital because the oxygen level in the body determines how healthy the body is and how it easily rejuvenates itself.Honey is also used to reduce the risk of low blood pressure and hypertension.

HELPS BOOST MEMORY: Honey is loaded with an antioxidant that helps prevent cellular damage and memory loss in the brain.A 2011 study published in menopause found a daily spoonful of Malaysian honey may boost postmenopausal women's memory, which can provide an alternative therapy for the hormone-related intellectual decline.After four months of taking 20 grams of honey a day, the women were more likely to have better short term memory than their counterparts who took hormone pills.

HONEY HELPS IN DIGESTION: Honey is also relevant in proper digestion of food, it helps reduce constipation, bloating and gas.honey is very rich in probiotic such as bifido bacterial and lactobacilli, which helps in digestion and also promote health of the immune system.
Using honey in place of sugar has been found to reduce the toxic effects inn the guts of mycotoxins produced by fungi.

HONEY HELPS IN HEALING WOUNDS AND BURNS: There have been some cases in which people have reported effects of using honey in treating wounds.A review published in The Cochrane Library indicated that honey may be able to heal burns the lead author of  the study said that topical honey is cheaper than other interventions, notably oral anti biotics, which are often used and many have other deleterious side effects.

HONEY FOR TREATING ALLERGIES: There is some research to suggest that honey may help in minimizing seasonal allergies.The Guardian reported that honey even beats cough medicine at alleviating and reducing the frequency of cough.One placebo controlled study which include 36 people with ocular allergies, found that participants responded better to treatment with honey compare to placebo.However, a third of them reported that eating a tablespoon if honey everyday was hard to tolerate due to its overly sweet taste.

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