Wednesday 10 February 2016

Health Benefits Of Pomegranates

Pomegranates are among the healthiest fruits on earth. pomegranates contains a wide range of beneficial plant compounds, unrivaled by other foods. Many studies have shown that they have incredible benefits for your body, and may lower the risk of all sorts of disease. If you're not familiar with the pomegranate, it is a red fruit with a tough outer layer; only the juice and the seeds inside are edible. Pomegranate juice is available year round, but you can purchase fresh pomegranates in most grocery stores from September through January. When refrigerated in a plastic bag, pomegranates keep for up to 2 months. Try tossing the seeds on a salad for a brilliantly colorful, crunchy, and nutritious addition.

                          HEALTH BENEFITS OF POMEGRANATES

Pomegranates are loaded with polyphenols that have powerful antioxidant properties.Antioxidants prevent free radical damage of the walls of arteries, thus preventing heart disease. They also prevent oxidation of cholesterol, which causes plaque formation and development of coronary artery disease.

Although pomegranate juice contains fructose, it does not elevate the blood sugar levels as other fruit juices do. Studies have shown that there was no significant increase in the blood sugar level of diabetic patients who drank this juice daily for a period of 2 weeks

From prostate cancer to breast cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer, pomegranates can help prevent and treat several forms of cancer. This property of the delicious fruits is also attributed to the presence of polyphenol antioxidants in them. Studies have shown that pomegranate juice can inhibit the growth of tumor cells and induce natural death in them. Certain compounds in pomegranates have an anti-inflammatory ability that also contributes to its anti-cancer property.

Pomegranates are also known to reduce high blood pressure. The juice reduces lesions and the inflammation of blood vessels in heart patients. It is a natural aspirin, which keeps the blood from coagulating and forming blood clots. It even acts as a blood thinner allowing for an unrestricted flow of blood through the body.

To keep your digestive system healthy, you need to include fibre-rich sources in your diet. However, our busy lifestyle and personal liking for junk food have deprived us of the goodness of fibre in fruits and vegetables. Eating a pomegranate every day is a good way to add fibre to your daily diet. One pomegranate can fulfill about 45% of your daily recommended intake of fibre, which is about 20 to 35g.

Pomegranate juice has strong anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties which help fight viruses and bacteria and boost our immunity system. It significantly reduces microbes that are found in the mouth commonly responsible for cavities and staph infections. Its anti-microbial properties make it an inhibitor of HIV transmission. Out of all the fruits, pomegranate has the highest potential to inhibit the transmission of HIV.

Pomegranate juice acts as an inhibitor on enzymes that are responsible for damaging the cartilage. It is therefore highly recommended for patients suffering from osteoarthritis, a chronic condition characterized by the breakdown of the joint’s cartilage. Studies conducted have proved the application of this juice to reduce deterioration of the cartilage. Unsweetened pomegranate juice relieves symptoms of arthritis and bone inflammation. A regular intake of this juice may curb the onset of neurological problems like Alzheimer disease. It is also known to dissolve kidney stones and cures erectile dysfunction in men.

Apart from reducing the body’s internal oxidative stress, pomegranates also help lower psychological stress that you go through your personal and professional life. According to a study conducted by Queen Margaret University, people who drank pomegranate juice had lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that is increased under stressful situations.  Here are some expert tips to reduce stress and keep your heart healthy.

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