Tuesday 26 January 2016


The Zika virus which has been spreading Across the United States of america can be transmitted sexually. Study shows that the disease can be found in the semen after it is no longer found in the blood which simply means it can be transmitted sexually, But for now there are no cases of anyone getting it through sexual intercourse.
An insect expert Brain Foy from the state university of Colorado says he was infected with the virus during his study on mosquitoes in the rural Senegal in 2008 and he says he infected his wife after he returned to the United States.

Brian Foy says his wife didn't join him on his trio to Senegal. And he says he already had sex with his wife before they started seeing symptoms and he says none of his kids became sick after that so he thinks she could have been infected sexually.
Brian and his wife made a full recovery. Experts as the virus is spreading across the us it has been made a priority to find out other was that this virus can be transmitted.

Mr Foy says he has been trying to get funds for the study but one payed attention until recently. For now, "if I was a man and I got Zika symptoms, I'd wait a couple of months before having unprotected sex, Zika expert Scott Weaver of the Institute for Human Infections and Immunity at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston tells the Times.If my wife was of childbearing age, I'd want to use protection, certainly for a few weeks. The WHO warns that the virus is likely to spread to every country in the Americas except Canada.

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