Thursday 21 January 2016


No matter how important x-rays are medically, they have their side effects like any other form of radiation. We often see people getting x-rays done for injuries like a simple twist of the ankle or something similar. But what makes this risky is that they take these steps without consulting a physician first and, even worse, without being aware of its adverse effects.People experience at least one exposure to these high-frequency waves when they visit the doctor, and unless it is an absolute emergency, getting an x-ray done must be avoided as far as possible.
                                        HARMFUL EFFECTS OF X-RAYS
Exposure to radiation as a foetus ups the chances of cancer by 40%, of developing tumour(s) by 50% and of leukemia by 70%.Thyroid glands, which are the primary glands of metabolism and energy, are also known victims of x-rays. They are particularly sensitive to radiation because of which, excessive exposure to radiation can lead to various thyroid conditions. Asking for a thyroid collar when getting your head, next or collarbone area x-ray could be a preventive measure.

Reports say that when exposed to x-rays, especially in the lower abdominal region, a person is at the risk of developing genetic damage that could turn hereditary. They also link diseases like diabetes, high BP, coronary heart disease, strokes and cataracts with exposure to x-rays.A possible way of bringing down exposure to these harmful radiations is replacing old x-ray machines that have passed their prime with new ones, as the radiation emitted by old x-ray equipment are at least 20-30 times higher. An easier way to prevent such exposure would be not playing doctor and avoiding getting unnecessary x-rays done.
Due to their relatively smaller physical size, children are more sensitive to the radiation as it could badly affect their genitals. Parents accompanying their children during x-ray check-ups should wear x-ray prevention clothes as a precaution.

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