Monday 21 March 2016

Reasons You Are Not Loosing Weight

A good and Effective, healthy weight loss isn’t only due to the simplistic calories in, calories out paradigm. Nor is it solely reliant on diet and exercise. It’s everything – it’s all the various signals our body receives from the environment that affect how our genes express themselves and thrive. How we approach the subject matters, too. Our mood, our methods, our temperament. Our conscious decisions and our willpower. It’s setting good habits and expunging bad ones.


The stress response system is subconscious; it responds to stimuli and nothing else. Emotional stress, physical stress, financial stress, relationship stress – I hesitate to even make these distinctions, because the body does not differentiate between sources of stress. They all cause the body to produce cortisol, the fight-or-flight hormone that catabolizes muscle, worsens insulin resistance, and promotes the storage of fat. For 200,000 years, stress meant a life or death situation. It was intense and infrequent, and the cortisol release was arresting and extreme enough to improve the chances of survival.

Not Drinking Enough Water

We've all heard how important water is when it comes to shedding pounds. It helps to suppress appetite, so you're less likely to overeat. But that's not all: When you're dehydrated, your kidneys can't function properly, so the body turns to the liver for additional support. Because the liver is working so hard, more of the fat you consume is stored rather than burned off.

Eating Too Much

If you’re eating low fat, healthy meals but are still not losing weight, it may be worth looking at your portion sizes. While you may think that you’re only eating three meals a day, with the increasing portion sizes many of us consume you could actually be eating the equivalent of 6 or more standard serving sizes each day. It is worth remembering that although the food you’re eating may be healthy, it should still be eaten in moderation, as eating too much of anything will cause you to gain weight.

Eating Too Fast

Remember in school when our teacher told us to chew our food slowly and count it 32 times before swallowing? Turns out, our teachers were so darn right. Latest researches have proved that your food gets assimilated better if you eat slowly. Our stomach takes 20-30 minutes to let our brain know that it is full so if we eat fast, we eat way more than our capacity and that results in weighing machine not moving an inch. So back to basics, eat slowly and carefully pay attention to your tummy’s signal of being full.

Drinking Too Much Tea

This is especially for those who think they cannot ‘function’ without their cuppa. While it is fine to drink a cup or two of tea or coffee per day, drinking more than that can give your weight loss regime a hitch. You end up consuming high levels of caffeine, that increases the quantity of the stress hormone, cortisol, in your body. And, this hormone makes you crave for sugary and fatty foods. Solution, switch to healthier options like juices, herbal tea, etc.

1 comment:

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