Monday 14 March 2016

Awsome Benefits Of Blue Berries

Awsome Benefite blue berries contains the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit Blue Berries, being very rich in anti oxidants like Anthocyanin, vitamin C, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin A, copper is a very effective immune builder and anti-bacterial), selenium, zinc, iron promotes immunity by raising haemoglobin and oxygen concentration in blood boost up your immune system and prevent infections. Once your immunity is strong, you won’t catch colds, fever, pox and all such nasty viral and bacterial communicable diseases.Blueberries are also low in calories -- fewer than 100 for a full cup. They owe their distinct hue to their high anthocyanin content, which gives certain fruits and veggies their deep blues and reds. North America is still the leading producer of this beloved blue fruit, accounting for up to 90% of the world's supply. The berry is celebrated throughout July -- the peak of its harvest -- during National Blueberry Month. And the fruit received an unofficial presidential seal of approval after Ronald Reagan insisted on having blue jelly beans at his inauguration, leading the Jelly Belly company to introduce its blueberry flavor.

 Benefits of blue berries

 Fighting wrinkles

 Our skin's support system, relies on vitamin C as an essential nutrient that works in our bodies as an antioxidant to help prevent damage caused by the sun, pollution and smoke. Vitamin C also promotes collagen's ability to smooth wrinkles and improve overall skin texture.

 Weight Loss

Dietary fiber is commonly recognized as an important factor in weight loss and weight management by functioning as a "bulking agent in the digestive system. High fiber foods increase satiety and reduce appetite, making you feel fuller for longer and thereby lowering your overall calorie intake.

  Heart Disease

 The high fiber content, those brilliant anti oxidants and the ability to dissolve the ‘bad cholesterol’ make the Blue Berry an ideal dietary supplement to cure many heart diseases. It also strengthens the cardiac muscles. In this study, published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.


 The ellagic acid in blueberries is an anti-cancer property that can help prevent the growth of tumor and cancerous cells. It can also serve as a cleanser.


 The fiber in blueberries promote ease in bowel movement. Drink half a cup of blueberry juice twice a day on empty stomach half hour before food to encourage bowel movements.

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