Tuesday 22 March 2016

Health Benefits Of Grape Fruits

Grape Fruits are very refreshing delicious to the taste, the grape fruit is rich in vitamin A, the grape fruit contains carotene and lycopene in addition to being rich in vitamin C the grape fruits are also very rich in vitamin A. The grape fruits are also known to be filled with fiber, potassium, and magnissium. Also the grape fruit contains moderate amount of vitamin B complex such as folate, riboflaxin, pyridoxine and thiamine it also contains other wonderful minerals like iron, calcium, copper and phosphorus. Lets see some health benefits of grape fruits below.

Weight Loss 

It is very important that grapes are Incorporated into our diets daily  because study shows that eating grapes every day helps achieve proper and organic weight loss. Also eating grape fruits help lower insulin instead of storing sugar and turning it into fat the body uses it to fuel the body which leads to a successful weight loss.
Grape fruit also help to block the absorption of carbs in the body, and drinking grape juice will help burn stored fat in the body.


Grape fruit is full of flavornoids which fights infections and keep the body free from carcinogens that can cause cancer, also the grape fruit contains high level of pectin which acts as a bulk laxative and helps protect the colon mucous membrane by reducing exposure to toxic substance in the colon. This does not only kill the cancer cell but promotes the production of healthy colon cells.

Clear Vision 

Pink and read grape fruits contains good amount of carotene that are can keep the eyes and vision healthy. Just one grape fruit a day is enough to fight the ravages of the eye strain and ageing, the fruit also contains good amount of flavornoid antioxidants such as naringenin and naringin and is also a good source of lycopene, carotene, xanthin and lutein. All these antioxidant properties are good for your vision.

Helps Arthritis

The grape fruit contains salicylic acid that helps break down the body calcium which helps build the cartilage and joints which can lead to arthritis.


The flavornoid content in grapefruits helps the body to fight off infections protecting the body from illness and diseases. The flavonoid, vitamin C and minerals in the grape fruit makes it a disease busting powerhouse that tastes nice.

Cholesterol Problems

The antioxidants in the grape fruit helps reduce cholesterol levels eating grape fruits can reduce cholesterol level upto 15%. The grape fruit also boosts heart health and reduces heart disease.

Liver Cleanser

The grape fruits contains a number of detoxifying and cleasing agents among them are various antioxidants. And phytonutients called limonoids that helps excrete toxins from the liver by making the water soluble.

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