Friday 14 October 2016

Different Ways Excessive Eating Can Be Reduced

Different people eat for different reasons, and also different people eat at different timings. Today we are going to talk and analyse different ways we eat. So many people i have met talk about how they eat in excess without being fully in control of their eating habits, sincerely i am one of them. so if you are out there and you have problems controlling your eating habits i am here to fix all that. If eating in excess or eating so much that at the end of the day you hate yourself has become a  habit for you then you are at the right place.Today i have different authentic and research proven ways that can help you change these lifestyle. Firstly take some time to think about yourself and the choices you have made when it comes to food and eating generally, and then ask yourself when was the last time you ate because  you were really hungry. Again ask your self why you eat so much that you became unbearably stuffed with food.Then at this point think back and ask your self how you felt after that. Did you feel good or did you feel bad and hate yourself for it? of course yes.

Some times we all get carried away once in a while and we find ourselves over eating or eating too much, personally i often fall a victim of that  especially during holidays, thanksgiving, and Christmas celebrations

nevertheless, if you feel that your eating habit is out of control or you feel you are not able to trust yourself with food and also you find yourself always thinking about food. I want to know how that makes you feel, so tell me does it make you feel bad about yourself? Does it make you feel depressed after eating? Then keep reading while i disclose different ways or tips that can help you control your eating habits or stop over eating.

Food Consciousness

food consciousness is nothing but being aware of your eating habits especially when we find ourselves around food. This will help you to be more aware or conscious of what to eat and when to eat.

Study Your Body

Here you are required to study your body, this is more like listening to you body to know when you are really feeling hungry. When a person is feeling really hungry they start having feelings like grumbling stomach, dizziness, low energy, and low sugar level. At this point of course you cannot concentrate anymore and this is the real hunger which requires you to eat something. So at this point  when you listen to your body you eat less, also learn to eat when you are moderately hungry do not wait till you feel extremely hungry. When you wait till you feel really hungry it can cause you to make bad food choices and also make you over eat which can cause weight gain.

Food choices

Most people fall into that category of people that always feel hungry, meanwhile  in the actual sense
they are not really feeling hungry but because they have trained their body to demand for unhealthy  food endlessly they keep eating.
And with this horrible style of eating there is a possibility that your body will lack all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. And such foods have less chances of keeping you filled up for a long period of time, they will only make you get hungry all over again within couple of minutes. Our body generally craves for nutrients and not calories. when our brain send us a message asking for food we should make healthy food choices instead of unhealthy food choices. So if you fall under this category of people, it is not too late to change your life style and start eating real foods instead of junks. When you learn how to eat less processed food and stop eating over processed food you will definitely  feel so good about yourself  and you don't ever need to worry about weight gain.

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