Friday 14 October 2016

Different Ways Excessive Eating Can Be Reduced

Different people eat for different reasons, and also different people eat at different timings. Today we are going to talk and analyse different ways we eat. So many people i have met talk about how they eat in excess without being fully in control of their eating habits, sincerely i am one of them. so if you are out there and you have problems controlling your eating habits i am here to fix all that. If eating in excess or eating so much that at the end of the day you hate yourself has become a  habit for you then you are at the right place.Today i have different authentic and research proven ways that can help you change these lifestyle. Firstly take some time to think about yourself and the choices you have made when it comes to food and eating generally, and then ask yourself when was the last time you ate because  you were really hungry. Again ask your self why you eat so much that you became unbearably stuffed with food.Then at this point think back and ask your self how you felt after that. Did you feel good or did you feel bad and hate yourself for it? of course yes.

Some times we all get carried away once in a while and we find ourselves over eating or eating too much, personally i often fall a victim of that  especially during holidays, thanksgiving, and Christmas celebrations